Airflow Analyst Add-In > 参考資料 Reference


Wind simulation data file (.nc)


A wind simulation data file is a NetCDF format file that is compiled after post-processing the analysis data files.



名称 Name 内容 Contents
i 計算格子のI軸(主流方向) I axis of the computational grid (main flow direction)
j 計算格子のJ軸(主流直交方向) J axis of the computational grid (main flow orthogonal direction)
k 計算格子のK軸(鉛直方向) K axis of the computational grid (vertical direction)
frame 時間軸(フレーム)、以下fと略す。 Time axis (frame), abbreviated as f.



名称 Name ディメンション Dimensions Type 内容 Contents
i i int I軸のインデックス番号 Index number of I axis
j j int J軸のインデックス番号 Index number of J axis
k k int K軸のインデックス番号 Index number of K axis
orig_i i int 元の計算格子の、I軸のインデックス番号 Index number of I axis of the original computational grid
orig_j j int 元の計算格子の、J軸のインデックス番号 Index number of J axis of the original computational grid
orig_k k int 元の計算格子の、K軸のインデックス番号 Index number of K axis of the original computational grid
lon j,i double 経度(WGS84) Longitude (WGS84)
lat j,i double 緯度(WGS84) Latitude (WGS84)
alt k,j,i double 高度(m) Altitude (m)
gh k,j,i double 地上高(m) Ground Height (m)
ic i float I軸のモデル座標 Model coordinate of I axis
jc j float J軸のモデル座標 Model coordinate of J axis
kc k,j,i float K軸のモデル座標 Model coordinate of K axis
mask k,j,i int 格子マスクフラグ(0:空間、1:障害物) Grid mask flag (0: space, 1: obstacle)
material k,j,i int 物体識別コード Object identification code
tave_U k,j,i float 時間平均場の風速成分U (m/s) Wind component U of time-averaged field (m/s)
tave_V k,j,i float 時間平均場の風速成分V (m/s) Wind component V of time-averaged field (m/s)
tave_W k,j,i float 時間平均場の風速成分W (m/s) Wind component W of time-averaged field (m/s)
tave_direction k,j,i float 時間平均場の風向 Wind direction of time-averaged field
tave_speed k,j,i float 時間平均場の風速 (m/s) Wind speed of time-averaged field (m/s)
meso_u k,j,i float 流入境界条件の風速成分U (m/s) Wind component U of inlet boundary condition (m/s)
meso_v k,j,i float 流入境界条件の風速成分V (m/s) Wind component V of inlet boundary condition (m/s)
meso_w k,j,i float 流入境界条件の風速成分W (m/s) Wind component W of inlet boundary condition (m/s)
meso_direction k,j,i float 流入境界条件の風向 Wind direction of inlet boundary condition
meso_speed k,j,i float 流入境界条件の風速 (m/s) Wind speed of inlet boundary condition
frame f int アニメーションフレームのインデックス番号 (0始まり) Animation frame index number (0 base)
orig_frame f int ソルバーから出力された元のアニメーションフレームのインデックス番号 (0始まり) Original animation frame index number output from the solver (0 base)
step_num f int 計算ステップ数 Number of calculation steps
step_time f float 計算ステップ時間 (秒) Time of calculation step (sec)
u f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の風速成分U (m/s) Wind component U of instantaneous field (m/s)
v f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の風速成分V (m/s) Wind component V of instantaneous field (m/s)
w f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の風速成分W (m/s) Wind component W of instantaneous field (m/s)
pressure f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の圧力 Pressure of instantaneous field
concentration f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の濃度 Concentration of instantaneous field
temperature f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の温度 Temperature of instantaneous field
wind_speed f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の風速 (m/s) Wind speed of instantaneous field (m/s)
wind_direction f,k,j,i float 瞬間場の風向 Wind direction of instantaneous field
max_U k,j,i float uの最大値 (m/s) Maximum value of u (m/s)
min_U k,j,i float uの最小値 (m/s) Minimum value of u (m/s)
avg_U k,j,i float uの平均値(m/s) Averaged value of u (m/s)
max_V k,j,i float vの最大値 (m/s) Maximum value of v (m/s)
min_V k,j,i float vの最小値 (m/s) Minimum value of v (m/s)
avg_V k,j,i float vの平均値 (m/s) Averaged value of v (m/s)
max_W k,j,i float wの最大値 (m/s) Maximum value of w (m/s)
min_W k,j,i float wの最小値 (m/s) Minimum value of w (m/s)
avg_W k,j,i float wの平均値 (m/s) Averaged value of w (m/s)
max_P k,j,i float pressureの最大値 Maximum value of pressure
min_P k,j,i float pressureの最小値 Minimum value of pressure
avg_P k,j,i float pressureの平均値 Averaged value of pressure
max_C k,j,i float concentrationの最大値 Maximum value of concentration
min_C k,j,i float concentrationの最小値 Minimum value of concentration
avg_C k,j,i float concentrationの平均値 Averaged value of concentration
max_T k,j,i float temperatureの最大値 Maximum value of temperature
min_T k,j,i float temperatureの最小値 Minimum value of temperature
avg_T k,j,i float temperatureの平均値 Averaged value of temperature
avg_speed k,j,i float 瞬間場の風速の平均値 (m/s) Averaged wind speed of instantaneous field
avg_direction k,j,i float 瞬間場の平均風向 Averaged wind direction of instantaneous field
stddev k,j,i float 瞬間場の風速の標準偏差 Standard deviation of wind speed of instantaneous field
turbulence k,j,i float 瞬間場の乱流強度 Turbulent intensity of instantaneous field


Global attributes

名称 Name 内容 Contents
project "Airflow Analyst"
solver_type ソルバーの種類 Solver type
ndticks 無次元時間刻み Non-dimensional tick
reynolds レイノルズ数 Reynolds number
position_lon 格子基準点の経度 Longitude of grid reference point
position_lat 格子基準点の緯度 Latitude of grid reference point
position_alt 格子最下層の標高 (m) Elevation of grid bottom section
standard_height 代表高さ (m) Standard height (m)
powvalue べき指数 Power index
observation_height 観測地上高 (m) Ground height of observation (m)
observation_speed 観測風速 (m/s) Observed wind speed (m/s)
source_concentration 点源濃度 Source concentration
standard_speed 代表風速 (m/s) Standard wind speed (m/s)
time_span 実時間刻み (秒) Real-time tick (sec)
inflow_direction 流入風向 Inflow wind direction
inflow_speed 流入風速 (m/s) Inflow wind speed (m/s)
solver_name ソルバーの名称 Solver name
solver_version ソルバーのバージョン Solver version